Sunday, February 22, 2009

My take on the US housing plan

I am no expert but what I can see is:
- taxpayers will have more to pay,
example here:
"the government and Investment Bank share the cost of further reducing the interest rate so that the Family C’s monthly debt-to-income level is lowered to 31%"

- I do not see specific details on how the government will implement this plan so that speculators will not benefit from it.
The example sheet has three examples, all leading to a refinancing. There is no example of how the plan will handle someone who would not deserve to be helped by tax payers.

So the general idea seems kind (to help families facing difficulties), but what if half the money goes from the pockets of "reasonable" families (taxpers who did not buy houses) to "irresponsible" people who were gambling in the housing market?

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